Between The Shadows: The Strange Beauty of Paneled Walls


OneWorkDesign is an award-winning interior design studio based in China. The studio is co-founded by three friends who are focused on design that interacts with the surrounding environment by creating new and unique interior statements that embrace raw, natural materials with technology.

Their residential project "Between the shadows" showcases everything they believe in: A small interior integrating raw materials while creating a flow that allows the connection between one room to the other and creating harmony and comfort in this environment. Not only is the flow of the apartment unique but it also focuses on allowing the family closeness and functionality. That’s why the beautiful kitchen is the protagonist . . . while the rest of the rooms surrounds it.


The materials used for this project range from cement, plated solid wood, black iron, steel and marble to luscious cottons, linen and even natural stone leather–each of them chosen to create a subdued, elegant and (in my opinion) almost theatrical experience–also allowing the make-believe that this home is bigger than it actually is.

From the floor plan and interior decoration statements to the play of light inside this home, I think we can all agree that this apartment shows the mastery and the boldness of OneWorkDesign.

Who knew we’d be admiring paneled walls at the turn of 2018.
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