The sphere is a fascinating form. Consider the Earth, our eyes and the perfect pearl. Or symbolic spheres, like our circle of friends and family. Even the womb, where we first experienced a close sense of contact. On a philosophical level, many have questioned the sphere and its significance. Dating back to Plato, the origins of humans were described in mythical terms as spherical entities, with men as descendants from the sun, women from the earth and the third sex from the moon. In Greek Mythology, Zeus is said to have split each of them in two, creating an urge in all of us to find our other half for a sense of wholeness.
Close Contact is a photography exhibition that resulted from the fabulous collaboration between Kinfolk the genius Norm Architects and Sørensen Leather. The exhibition hosts ten limited-edition photographs–and the majestic leather spheres used in the making of each image.
The images highlight the contrasts and the connections between geometrics and anthropomorphic shapes–the human form–making a connection between the leather and human skin.
Leather, a universally used material–transformed into a sphere–poignantly delivers the message that we humans are connected.
The exhibition is displayed in a highly subdued and tactile way–very characteristic of the elegance of all three of the collaborators. The immaculate taste of Norm Architects is indisputable; Architecture, design or photography–they do it all... and they do it well.
All works are for sale and the exhibit is open to the public Monday to Friday from 10:00-16:00 until October 31st at Amagertorv 14, first floor. For more details you are welcome to contact press@kinfolk.com.